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Occupational Therapy and the Pyramid of Learning

The Pyramid of Learning was developed by Kathleen Taylor (Occupational Therapist) and Maryann Trott (Special Educator) in 1991. They based this pyramid on the research done by an Occupational Therapy research and Guru of Sensory Integration Therapy Jean Ayres.


The pyramid helps us understand the importance of having firm foundations from which our children can build their skills upon.

Understanding the Pyramid of Learning

At the core of occupational therapy lies the belief that every individual has the capacity to reach their full potential given the right support and intervention. The Pyramid of Learning visualizes this journey, depicting the foundational building blocks that pave the way for higher-level skills. Sensory integration forms the base of the pyramid, emphasizing the crucial role sensory experiences play in cognitive development and daily functioning.

Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration: A Fundamental Building Block

Sensory integration is the process of organizing sensory information from our environment and our bodies, enabling us to participate effectively in daily activities. Occupational therapists specialize in creating individualized interventions that help individuals regulate their sensory experiences, facilitating improved attention, behavior, and overall function.

Addressing Retained Reflexes for Enhanced Functioning

Retained reflexes, which are primitive reflexes that persist beyond typical developmental stages, can impact various aspects of an individual's life. Through targeted occupational therapy strategies, these reflexes can be addressed, allowing individuals to move past limitations and enhance their overall performance.

Enhancing Hand-Eye Coordination for Fine Motor Skills

Hand-eye coordination is a critical skill that underpins many daily activities, from writing to playing sports. Occupational therapists employ a range of therapeutic activities to strengthen hand-eye coordination, enabling individuals to navigate tasks with precision and confidence.

Optimizing Executive Functions for Improved Performance

Executive functions, the tip of the pyramid, encompass a set of cognitive processes that facilitate goal-directed behavior, problem-solving, and self-regulation. Occupational therapy interventions target executive functions, helping individuals enhance their planning, organization, time management, and decision-making skills.

Embracing the Journey of Development and Growth

Building a solid foundation helps a child to embark on a journey of development and growth.



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